Nature Box - Happy Snacker |
For father's day my kids gave me a Happy Snacker
Nature Box.
What is a happy snacker nature box?
it is 2 bags each of five healthy snacks.
What? You want to know what I got in my nature box?
Well here you go :)
- Whole Wheat Strawberry Figgy Bars
- Seaweed Rice Pops
- Citrus Chipotle Chickpeas
- Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels
- Country Ranch Sunflower Seeds
Not very helpful?
I don't think so either so I included pictures and some general information below.
These are my favorite part of this box, I tore through an entire bag in the first day.
They are a little dry but that comes with being
Whole Wheat.
Each bag contains 5 1.2 oz bars
Important things to consider:
- Serving Size: 1 bar
- Calories per serving: 130
- They are made from the most amazing fruit ever grown STRAWBERRIES
Because of the small serving size and the number of calories that each bar is worth and how hard it is to stop eating them you can quickly consume all of them or to many for one day. Luckily there are only five in a bag.
Theses are my second favorite Item out of the box. They are cute little balls of crunchy rice with little seaweed patches on them. When you first put them in your mouth they are kind of sweet and by the end of chewing them you get the tart savory taste of the seaweed.
Each bag is 5 oz of Seaweed Rice Pops
Important things to consider:
- Nutritionist Approved
- Vegan
- Serving Size: 1/3 cup
- Servings per bag: ~4.5 (~ means approximately or about)
- Calories per serving: 130
It is possible that you end up eating the whole bag but I do not think they warrant more than a handful or so every couple of hours. A serving suggestion on the bag is to add them to a wrap which actually sounds pretty delicious.
My wife thought I would like these because I like to spice it up sometimes. I was actually quite disappointed, I was expecting a fiery pop in each bite but there was no really spice it was just the kind of bland taste of the chickpea with the kind of rustic taste of a pepper.
each bag is 4.75 oz
Important things to consider:
- Nutritionist Approved
- Vegan
- Serving Size: 1/3 cup
- Servings per bag: ~4.5 (~ means approximately or about)
- Calories per serving: 130
There is no way I would this entire bag in one sitting. If I decide to eat anymore of them I will probably only eat a few at a time. I do like chickpeas but not in a roasted covered in peppers form.
I love sourdough and I love cheddar cheese but I hate pretzels so it was a toss up if I would like these.
Can the two goods outweigh the bad?
Not in this case! I do not like these and could not eat more than... luckily my kids like them :)
Each bag is 5 oz
Important things to consider:
- Nutritionist Approved
- Hint of Beer
- Serving Size: 9 pieces
- Servings Per Container: ~5
- calories per serving: 120
If you like these little sour cheese beer bombs then watch your calories as you scarf the whole bag down. I fortunately do not have this problem as this is one of very few foods that make me gag.
Sunflower seeds can be fun to eat especially if they are in the shell and you like to spit. These sunflower seeds are not in the shell but as long as you are eating them by themselves they are still fun to eat.
The ranch flavor is very subtle and easily over powered by anything else.
Each bag is 5 oz
Important things to consider:
- Nutritionist Approved
- Serving Size: 1/4 cup
- Servings per Container: ~4.5
- Calories per serving: 190
- Non-GMO Sunflower Kernels
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds is a lot of sunflower seeds but since you're not having to shell them orally as you go small handfuls or just dumping the bag into your mouth will add up. at 190 calories per serving it is the second highest costing food in the box this month.
I love my Nature Box there is only one problem with it... there is not enough food to last me the whole month and when we get next months there will definitely not be enough for all four of us.
I hope you all have a happy and healthy week.
Thomas Gould