In a world of oversized portions and high calorie foods how
do you control what you eat?
I drive from 43rd ave and Union Hills Drive to 43rd
ave and Glendale and back at least 5 days a week. As I drive I pass a bunch of
places that I could stop and eat food. Some are easy to pass others are not so
How do I ignore that gnawing feeling in my stomach telling
me to stop and grab a bite from here or there?
Eat Before you leave:
This is the first thing you need to do to make sure that you
do not stop and waste a fuel stop on a 1000 calorie hamburger or load up on
fats from a fast food joint.
If you are craving a burger don’t wait till you are on the road,
grab a turkey burger patty out of your freezer and fire up your George Forman grill
and grill the fat out of a delicious burger you can make at home. Don’t have
time to prepare a burger from scratch before work? Prep everything when you
have time and then all you have to do is flop your meat on the grill while you
get ready and then fix your bun and you have a quick delicious substitute to
that fatty, dry, heat lamp burger. Still don’t have time before work, while you
can always prep a salad in a plastic bowl with a lid and take it with you
eating an apple, carrots, or cucumbers as you get ready and then following or
next tip to get you to work worry free.
Drink Water!
This is the second tip I discuss but it is actually quite a
bit more important than the first tip.
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water you should always
have a water bottle on hand and you should refill it as soon as it is empty
with good quality water… If it’s brown turn it down! Water is better for you if
it has high alkaline levels, that’s not saying you should walk around with
water test strips but I do recommend drinking from a trusted source… not all
SODA companies can be trusted to provide you with good quality water, do some
research. Anytime you begin to feel hungry grab a light snack, fruits or
veggies, and your water.
Water does two things:
It fills the space that your body wants to fill with food so
that if you do eat you get full faster.
It rehydrates you… you can begin to feel hungry if your body
has not been hydrated properly.
I have a water dispenser that I bought at Walmart and I have
a five gallon jug on it that I fill at the water store down the street from my
house, when it is not 110 degrees I carry the water jug it is about a half mile
or so which is good exercise. I have a large size water bottle that I always
have on me and I am always drinking from. Even with as much water as I drink, I
do not drink soda at all, I have a
hydrationindex of -3.2.
Eat fiber
YUCK. Why would I want to eat cardboard flavored cereal?
Fiber is awesome
It helps you stay full for longer, because it takes longer
for your body to digest it.
It helps you poop on schedule, if I eat a bowl of fiber one
cereal every day I can count on dropping the kids off at the pool at around 10
every morning.
If you are trying to lose weight fiber helps your body flush
out the excess fat in your digestive track
Finally it helps you drop those rock hard poos you always dream
While it is important to poop on a regular basis do not get
carried away and keep a log of logs… unless your into that kind of thing.
Eat Enough
Everyone is on a diet
It does not matter if you are vegetarian, vegan, carnivore,
omnivore; if you are on the Atkins diet or the SEE FOOD diet. You want to eat
enough to make you not hungry, if you feel like you are about to pop 20 minutes
after you eat then you tried to consume enough to feed a third world country!
The suggested serving size is just that SUGGESTED, only you
know what you need to eat to be satisfied but do not overfill and make ever
calorie count… not to be confused with count every calorie.
Count Calories
This is the most tedious and annoying thing in the world and
you will hate every god forsaken second of it and you will curse my name and
your name and whatever website you are using to track your calorie intake, but
it is a good tool. This is temporary, you count calories for a couple of
months. Once you get a routine down and understand serving sizes you will be
able to prepare a menu or plate for yourself without over consuming.
Keep your goal in mind
This is the hardest one because as you drive past your
favorite fast food hole in the wall, or what have you, you will not be thinking
I need to drop a unspecified number of pounds you will be thinking my stomach
is growling, when was the last time I ate, I don’t want the nasty salad sitting
in my passenger seat, I want a deliciously horribly tasteless heat lamp burger
on stale buns.
Last but not least think about the last thing you think
about in the above point
Deliciously Horribly Tasteless heat lamp burger on stale
If your still hungry after that eat something healthy like a
sandwich from a sandwich shop or the salad bar at a salad bar having place.
#1 Adivce for fast easy weight loss
20 oz bottle of mt dew - 275 calories |
20 oz bottle of water - 0 calories |
Have a Happy and Healthy week
Thomas Gould